
If you're reading this right now then either I've sent you a link directly in the hopes that you might check out my humble little music blog or all of that illicit back linking has finally paid off and this site is now ranking on page one for the keywords, "music," "reviews" and "Bieber." I'm probably going to go with the former.

Over the past few years I've cultivated something of a reputation as a live music and album critic for a couple sites that are now, sadly, defunct (hopefully through no doing of my own).

In the past year or so since these sites have gone sideways, I've haven't done much critical writing but I still go to concerts and enjoy music at home or on the go and damn it if I'm not opinionated about the stuff I listen to. Enter Celluloid Annoyed.

I bought the domain celluloidannoyed.com a few years ago, thinking it would turn out to be a movie review site. I'll still talk about movies here from time to time (gotta take advantage of a clever site name somehow) but my focus will probably be on music. In addition to just talking about music I hope to start broadening my own horizons by photographing the shows I review. I've never been much of a photographer in the past but I figure everyone has to start somewhere, right? I may also do some video stuff if the opportunity presents itself.

That basically brings you up to speed. I've got a life and responsibilities outside of this website (go figure, amiright?) so updates will likely be sporadic. I'm fairly active on Twitter so if you want to keep up with me on a more frequent basis that's probably the best route.

Thanks for reading.
